ASP NET Core 3.1 Main Method

December 30, 2020

All professionals who want to start their career in core framework and want to add new skill in their bucket, can learn core from this tutorial. We’re now ready to test this so save everything and press F5 to run it and navigate to Employees and click on Add New Employee button and you’ll see the form loaded underneath the table. Just like before we’re sending a request with the urlAddEmployee which is a GET request and expect some form of an HTML in response.

  • The reason why we are making so many custom functions is that it’ll make it easier in the future when we’ll be adding more functionalities like search, edit, add, etc.
  • First, we’ve defined a custom URL i.e. /employee/table-view-data.
  • So you’ve successfully completed View, Add, Edit, Delete and Search and now you can make any small-medium local web application.

The app exception is a custom exception class used to differentiate between handled and unhandled exceptions. Handled exceptions are ones generated by the application and used to display friendly error messages to the client, for example business logic or validation exceptions caused by incorrect input from the user. Unhandled exceptions are generated by the .NET framework and can be caused by bugs in the application code. In the updated code above we’re first checking if a record exists in DB by comparing ids. If you run the project you can see in the header the name privacy is replaced by employees and if you click it you’ll get an error. But you can click on the privacy link in the footer to see that the header remains the same on all pages.

ASP.NET Core 3.1 Main Method

In ASP.NET Core, implementing authentication and authorization is crucial to secure your web application. Middleware is instrumental in configuring and managing these security aspects. Middleware is an excellent place to log errors, asp net razor tutorial helping in debugging and identifying issues in your application. Integrate a logging framework like Serilog for comprehensive error logging. Handling different requests involves routing to the appropriate controllers and actions.

  • Web API from ASP.NET Core is the same as the one from ASP.NET Core MVC.
  • If you have any experience with MVC or Web API over the last few years, you will notice some familiar features.
  • As we already know, when we create a console application in .NET, then by default the .NET Framework creates a class (i.e. Program class) with the Main Method.
  • Understanding how the pipeline works is crucial for effectively managing request handling.
  • We’ve not done anything here just added [httpget(“_url_”) and inside of the function where we were returning the ~/Views/Employee/Index.cshtml already we’ve just explicitly added the path inside the return View().

The Host is a static class that can be used for creating an instance of IHostBuilder with pre-configured defaults. The CreateDefaultBuilder() static method of the Host class creates a new instance of the HostBuilder with pre-configured defaults. Internally, it configures Kestrel (Internal Web Server for ASP.NET Core), IISIntegration, and other configurations.


ASP.NET Core is an open source web-development framework for building web apps on the .NET platform. While originally only for Windows, it is now available on macOS and Linux as well. ASP.NET has been used from many years to develop web applications. Since then, the framework went through a steady evolutionary change and finally led us to its most recent descendant ASP.NET Core 1.0. ASP.NET Core is cross-platform and runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, whereas Express.js is Node.js-based, supporting multiple operating systems.

  • In addition, we will provide a list of Angular 6 interview questions.
  • Net Core 3.1 will help you learn about the .NET Core, Routing, Tag helpers and along with that hands-on Creating Asp.
  • A pretty helpful package which is recommended but not required for this project.
  • PutTodoItem is similar to PostTodoItem, except it uses HTTP PUT.
  • You will also learn how to build a book list application using ASP.NET MVC and see how to use DataTables with API Calls in a Razor Project.
  • Custom middleware in ASP.NET Core allows you to inject bespoke functionality into the request-response pipeline.

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